First world problems

This week was a terribly exhausting week for me.

From kitchen productions to entrepreneurship, gym session, car problems, and staying in the kitchen, i am daaaamn glad it's weekend already!

I whined enough about how unlucky i am this week, and i'm gonna do it again here, HEHE.

So on Wednesday, our class ended early. I was soo looking forward to go back and chill at Kinokuniya, but just my luck. I lost my car key. I didn't technically lose it, but it required a long terrible walk from the car park area to the Commercial Block area. Found my key, one problem solved.

Walked back to my car, and great, it's DEAD!

So Kaylen drove me around campus to look for a jumpstart, but to no avail. I called Edward and thank god, Shareen has one.

So i waited for an hour or so for them to come back to campus to help. Douglas came with his car and a jumpstart. And that's when it all begin. Jumpstart, cannot. So we had to call a battery guy to come and change the battery.

Waited for another hour, and the battery guy came.

Ok, tried starting the car again, FAILED. I prayed and prayed and prayed, nothing happened.

"Our worst nightmare came true" Douglas said. We were standing there under the hot scorching sun just trying to figure out what to do, and i was soo done at that point.

Called Aus, called here and there, and finally, we decided to tow to car back to Bangi. It was already 5.15pm. So here comes the waiting game, encore.

Douglas finally left cause i asked him to, but what would i do if none of my friends came to help. I called the towing service and they came an hour later.

You know those movies where the main character continuously got struck in the face unluckily with bullshits one after the other, non stop, and it doesn't make sense for anyone to be that unlucky? I was that exact character that evening. They couldn't tow my car because i didn't have the hook for towing. *insert cuss word*

So then, i called another tow truck and waited for 30 minutes. He came, then Edward and Timothy helped me pushed the car up to the truck AND FINALLY, at 6.45PM, my suay day has come to an end.

I was so thirsty and hungry i got a bubble tea without doing any calculations of reasonings. Chilled in the library while waiting for a grab and then finally left home at 8PM. So much of leaving at 1PM to chill at Kinokuniya huh?

But of course i didn't just end there, i barfed in my grab because my intelligent ass decided to drink milk in an empty stomach. So that was the very end of a shittyyyyy day.


So the next day, i drove my brother's car to uni, and i thought "I can finally go home early today".
Went in the kitchen, got shits done and at 5PM i gleefully walked to my car. Tried to unlocked it, nothing happened. Because the car is, yet again, dead *SIGH* Same shit, different car, different day.

At that point, it's pointless to get too stressed about it, so i called my brother and he helped me around through facetime. To much surprise, we both discovered i couldn't start the car because i, freakin forgot, to off, the fckin headlights. Good job ma man.

That day was particularly shitty because my tiredness from the day before hasn't really gone away, because i didn't have time to rest. But my mom and Imraan came all the way to Sunway, to help me jumpstart the car. We ate Sushi Zanmai and the day finally ended at 9.30PM.


See, how whiny i sound telling these stories? One of my chef said something yesterday that really helped put things into perspective. He was telling me stories of what's happening in the school's institution, how many problems people around him are going through. One story was about one of our purchasing guy, we call him Ugesh. It was about how low he was paid, despite of the amount of work he does, and how much people around us are struggling to make ends meet with the amount of salary they have.

"And then we thought our problems were big, huh?" he said. I nodded, in agreement.

When i think back about it, i felt bad whining how unlucky i was that week. I didn't whine to people, but i whined about it to my mum, to myself. I sighed and complained to her about how tired i was, that i had to deal with the car problems, about how i couldn't go back early, but little did i realized, there were literally 14 people who helped me when i needed one.

I had money to buy bubble milk tea despite barfing it out later.

I had money to pay for a grab home even though 3 of my friends offered a ride.

I came back to my mum cooking a nice, hot nasi goreng for me, and sat there listening, as i whined and whined.

I had a loving brother who drove all the way to settle the car's problem the next day.

And yet, i sighed, and complained about how unlucky i am?

Alhamdulillah, the word i don't say enough.

I really am blessed with the number of people i have around me, that is always present, to be financially sound, to drive a comfortable car, to have a home to drive back to. There is soo much to be thankful for.

Forgive me for all the times that i have been unpleasant & whiny because what i have is more than enough. My problems are sooo minuscule to be compared to others.


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