super duper easy creampuffs

Assalamualaikum! Alrighty, so i always wanted to post recipes on my blog, but being me, i always forgot to take pictures of the whole process, and sometimes if i did, i always procrastinate and ended up not even posting it. So today, i made creampuffs! This is my second attempt at making creampuffs. I failed miserably the first time i make them but alhamdulillah this time, it turns out perfect and everyone loves it! So lets get to it!

So to make the pastry, or pate de choux (yup, im being fancy here), you'll be needing:

1 cup water
1/2 cup margerine/butter
1 cup of all purpose flour
4 eggs
1/2 teaspoon of salt (do not add any salt if using margerine)

Right, so first of all, place butter/margerine together with water in a pot. Then heat until it reaches a gentle boil. Then reduce and heat and add in the flour all at once. Now here comes the workout part. Stir the mixture vigorously until it forms a ball. Then set aside and let cool for 5 to 10 minutes.

Next, add in the eggs, one at a time while beating. You can either use a mixer or simply beat the dough by hand. Heat your oven at 200 degree celcius.

Now transfer your dough into a or ziploc bag then cut a medium sized hole to make a piping bag. This step is optional. You can simply transfer your dough by using a spoon but i decide to go a little bit fancier and to get that "pastry chef" kind of feel. LOL

Alright, now its time to hit the oven! Let them bake for 20-30 minutes until it turns golden brown (mine took 30 minutes). Keep in mind that you don't want to open your oven door while these babies are baking because your creampuffs will collapse and obviously you don't want that! So let them bake peacefully.

Now that your creampuffs are done baking, let them cool for about 15 minutes. Now it is time to make the custard sauce! The recipe for the custard filling calls for 3 egg yolks and etc, but then i don't want to waste the egg whites so i changed the recipe. This recipe is even easier and cheaper hehe!

The ingredients:
6 tablespoons of custard powder
4 tablespoon of sugar
2 cups of milk
1 teaspoon of vanilla

Firstly, place custard powder, sugar and milk into a saucepan. Stir until the mixture boils and thicken. Remove from heat and throw in the vanilla and stir again. Now let them cool in the fridge.

Okay, now that your puffs & custard fillings are done, its time to fill the puffs. So cut your creampuffs horizontally, and spread in your custard. Then to make them look even fancier, dust with some icing sugar and wallah!

Trust me! It is so easy and worth a try! So good luck and enjoy baking! :D

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