
Hulloooooo and assalamualaikum!

Man i know, it's been a long time right. I've been very veryyy busy with school. Mana taknya, natang trial tu hah buat aku suffer. But alhamdulillah, it is finally over! Yeaaaaaaaaaaah!! Malangnya, PMR belum lagi.. BARGH.

So next week dah nak balik kampung, nak beraya. I can't waittttttt :'D Esok cuzzies semua dah nak datang! Weeeeeeeeeee, miss em like crazy. And raya ketujuh pula, my second sis will be enganged. Lagilah tak sabar yuolls! 

Oh btw, my trial result is not that good, it's bad :( I got 61% for Science sebab teacher kata jawapan aku merapu and banyak careless mistakes. But maybe this is a hint for me to stop spending so much time playing video games, wasting my time doing nothing and start spending quality time with the books. Haihhh. But suprisingly, i got 72% for my Sejarah. HAHAHAHA. Alhamdulillah gila. Mana taknya, aku julung julung kalinya score sejarah, biasa dapat C je. Let's hope i got #GempakPulak result for the other subjects and let's hope i don't get friggin D for maths! ;D

Okay i think that's it lah. To be honest, aku takde idea sebenarnya nak update apa kan. So, adios! 

Footnote: 10 hari ramadhan terakhir! Let's do our best to please HIM :)

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