Be the carrot and just kill them. JK.

If you're an absent minded person, who loses the most important stuff or losing shit more than you should, trust me, you're not alone. Been losing stuff and mind since 97.

And an optimistic person i am *not*, i try to see the good in every misadventures. Like losing your IC before an important trip to the bank, or dropping your phone in the toilet bowl, or losing you apartment keys in Paris. I believe that every single thing that happened was either to be a reminder or for me to be less unaware. Because to me, an accident become a pointless one if you don't ponder and take lessons from it.

I'm synonymous with losing or misplacing things. I lost my phone, my IC, lots of money, left my car keys somewhere really random, lost my phone in the airplane and the list goes on. Being absent minded, clumsy, reckless and impulsive makes me, me. But sometimes, even i am tired of taking care of myself :') But like i said, here are some of the things you get to benefit from my disastrous events.


1. Don't be stupid and keep your phone in your back pocket or you'll drop them in the toilet bowl. And if that happens, don't be a fool and rinse your phone *smh* Honestly, i really don't know from here, but if you did what i did, you'll end up with a glitchy screen, cause water and electronics are really not a match made in heaven.

2. Minimise as much of energy use on your phone. Avoid receiving text messages, phone calls. Just off the damn phone. If your touch screen is faulty, then use the "sleep/wake button + home button" formula and leave your phone alone.

3. Seriously, screw rice, it doesn't work. Leave your phone on the counter for 24 hours and try turning it on.  If it doesn't light up, bring it to some water damage treatment at a repair shop. Did mine for about RM100, and it's back to normal, eventho my screen had some wiring wtv kind of shots happening, so it has some not super visible lines on it, but it's not severe, so that's okay. You can get your screen changed, but don't go for the non-original one, for all the obvious reasons, and because it is not as sensitive as the original iphone screens.

What i've learned: That Machines and Apple Store are useless. Don't even bother going there. They don't know how to repair shit/ deal with this. So your best bet it to buy a waterproof phone. Or if you're broke like me, be a smart person and keep your phone in your bag when going to the toilet.


1. Invest on a good casing like otterbox or something. Your phone appearance doesn't matter, they don't have to date anyone. So just protect them with a good, shockproof casing no matter how ugly it may look.

2. Sure, use a tempered glass.

3. Use a casing that is not flat on the phone surface, so when you drop it screen side down, the lantai doesn't directly hit the screen. Get it?

What i've learned: There's nothing much you can do if you have butterfingers.


1. DON'T EVER TURN OFF YOUR FIND MY IPHONE, IT'S GONNA HELP. Unless if you're overseas, then you're pretty much *beep*

2. If you lost your phone in Malaysia, beep the "find my iphone" away. You shall find it within seconds. Track that villain down, and grab what is yours!

3. If you happen to lose them when you're overseas, and you're phone is on airplane mode, and it's not connected to any wifi *sigh* then there's nothing much you can do than to cry over your lost device, your priceless photos of your family and friends, and your precious pointless conversations on whatsapp. Trust me, it's gonna take sometime to get over this kind of loss.

4. If you loveeeeeee your photos, and your datas so so soo much, then make it a habit to back up your phone atleast once a week. Back up your whatsapp too, cause losing them is much more painful then breaking up *kot* *entah*

5. Wear a lanyard on hang your phone on your neck. My mum always suggest me to do this. As silly as it sounds, i think this might work.

What i've learned: Here's what i do. On my lock screen wallpaper, i put a note of "If found missing, please contact *my mum's phone number with (+60) along with my email address" So if a noble man happens to find my phone, he would not hesitate to return it back to me. If you're lucky. If not then, so long. I mean, atleast if you're phone is locked and all hope is lost, the noble man knows who to return it to.


1. This is pretty shitty, cause you have to pay for a new one. The first time of losing you IC will make you pay the government RM300, second time RM 600 then the third will be a precious RM1000, that you can definitely spend on something waaaaaaay better than a stupid piece of card.

What i've learned: After you're done using your IC, don't be like me and simply throw it in your bag. As menyusahkan as it sounds, take the effort of keeping it back properly in your wallet. I know, it's a lot of work, but keeping them in your pocket, is gonna cost you RM300. So be smart, be wise, don't be a Nadh. This applies for whatever card, Debit Card, Student ID (lost this too) or even money. Jangan pandai pandai nak simpan dalam pocket. KEEP THEM BACK IN YOUR WALLET STRAIGHT AWAY. IT'S NOT THAT MUCH OF A WORK.


1. You have a bag, use it. Be organized. Pockets are a hell-hole where stuff just magically disappear in it.

2. Don't leave your stuff everywhere. Take earpiece for an example, if its in your room then whatever, but if it's somewhere else, don't even bother leaving it on the table alone, thinking that "Meh, nobody is gonna take that cause no one is around anyways" CAUSE TRUST ME, THERE'S AN EARPIECE LOVING GHOST THAT HAS BEEN STEALING MINE SINCE IDK HOW LONG BECAUSE I KEEP LOSING THEM AT THE MOST RANDOM PLACE. So, keep them properly, or he who must not be named will take your precious darling away. And i can't live without it, and earpiece ain't cheap boo.

3. Just, don't be too absent minded....

On a serious note, i think these happened to me for many reasons, but most importantly, as a reminder for me to not be too attached to materials. Be it a device, a photo or whatever you kept in your phone. Yes, they're all memories, but memories shouldn't necessarily be attached to materials *actually i don't second what i'm saying cause i'm the most sentimental person ever :')* but you get what i mean. God, is trying to tell me when i love something too much, He is capable of simply pulling it away from me. So, love, to an extent, no?

You might be depressed over your lost datas, but at one point, it doesn't even matter anymore, seriously. Be present, device and materials are just indeed, materials. Pictures you've lost are just pixels, and conversations on whatsapp are just, a pointless conversations. You'll get over it.

And God is trying to tell me, to grow the flip up, AND TO KEEP MYSELF TOGETHER.

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