Short story

Write an essay beginning with "The weather had been very hot lately..."

The weather had been very hot lately. Aaron, with a heavy duffel bag on his left shoulder, walked home from the stadium after his daily football practice. He could feel the light tickle of sweat cascaded down his spine. He walked down the quiet road that lead to his part of the neighborhood. The atmosphere was serene and tranquil. As he walked and walked, he passed a property that is secluded among tall pine trees. There was a large metal gate and inside the gate stood a great mansion. It aroused his curiosity. Without hesitation, he push the creaky metal gate that bordered the property and walked slowly to the door. 

The mansion looked much bigger nearer. It was tall and the walls are covered with green slimes, tall weeds and scrubs. He walked around the property when suddenly, a shiny glimmer drew his attention away. His eyes lingered wildly as he look for the source of the glimmer. Then he saw a blue stone that was placed inside a mystical glass cube. Aaron walked swiftly to the glass. Suddenly a man strangled him with a sword from behind.
“You must be one of the witch's servant! Trying to steal the stone huh? Well you are gonna die this time!” the man said sternly.
“Wait!” Aaron, who was struggling to push the man's sword away from his throat, shouted. “What are you talking about? Witch? Servant?”
The man let go of Aaron and gave him a perplexed look.
“Then who are you?”
“I am Aaron” he said while rubbing his neck.
“Aaron?” the man asked.
“Yes, Aaron. And I am not anyone's servant!”
“Wait. Are you..... Goodness gracious! Aaron, what took you so long to get here?” he said merrily and patted Aaron's shoulder.
“What do you mean?” his face was puzzled.
“Oh how very rude of me, first of all, my name is Garjla, the guardian of the blue stone” the man introduced himself.
“Guardian of the stone? What are you guarding it from?"
“From the evil witch. See, the lives of Aria's people is in danger. This stone belongs to us but the evil witch is trying to steal it away. This stone is the heart of Aria's people, without it we are dead. And that greedy witch is trying to kill us all in one time, so she can have the this kingdom all to herself” Garjla explained. “You young man, are the person we have been waiting for all our lives. You are fated to slay the witch. No one else could kill her except for you”
“Wait, did you say a kingdom?” Aaron asked in confusion. He turned his head around and what initially was a mansion property, now a vast green field, a small village area and a majestic castle stood upon them.
Aaron stood there motionless.
Garjla sighed. “Come now, i'll show you something.

They both walked into the large stairs of the castle and went into a chamber. The chamber was rather small and inside the chamber laid gracefully a sword on top of the stone table.
“Here” said Garjla while handing the sword to Aaron.
Aaron retrieved the sword and grasp it tightly in is palm. He took out the heavy sword from its cover revealing a sharp iron blade. 
"Whoa" Aaron said in adore.
“This sword is hundred years of age and has awaited its master to come and murder the evil witch. Only the real master can use the enchanted sword and the master of the sword is you, young man” Garjla explained.
“You mean no one else can use this sword except for me?” Aaron gasped in excitement.
“Correct, and that means you are the only person that could slay the witch!"
“Alright, i'm gonna murder then witch and save the lives of Aria's people!” Aaron said lifting his sword up high.
Garjla smiled.

“Go now young boy. Finish your quest before its too late" he advised Aaron.
“Alright, don't you worry. I'm gonna murder the evil witch”
Aaron sat comfortably on top of the horse's saddle with his hand gripping the reins that was attached to the white horse. He pulled the reins and the horse's head held high and proud, and off they go.
He surveyed around the kingdom to look for the evil witch's castle. After days of searching, he finally found it.
He passed the steep ice bridge and into the castle's gate. He jumped of his horse once he reached the castle's door and walked slowly to the front door that was really big it could accommodate a family of giraffes. Two man with steel uniform and swords were guarding the door. When Aaron tried to pass the door, the formed an “X” with their sword blocking his way.
“Nobody is allowed in the castle” one of the guard spoken.
“I have a business with the witch. Let me in or you would know what she would do when someone interfere with her business” he squinted his eyes. They guard dropped the swords and Aaron walked into the castle. The cold wind howled revealing goosebumps on Aaron's skin since the castle was fully made of ice. 
“Leave now or I will kill you young boy” a deep voice spoken. Aaron turned and a woman in a thick furry white dress sat gracefully on the throne. Her face was calm and pale as ever.
“No!” Aaron shouted
“I don't know if you are either brave or foolish” she said in between laughs. 
“I am here to finish my undone business” he said taking his sword out.
The witch's face turned into a nightmare.
“No, you cannot be! Are you the boy? The only boy, the only human ever that could kill me?” her voice sounded scared.
She stood shakily beside the throne and mumbled something. Suddenly a sword appeared on her right hand. He pointed the sword to Aaron.
“You have no power to beat me, and you know that! And that sword of yours is no use because with just one slit on your throat, you're gonna die” Aaron said furiously. He sprinted to the queen and tried to stab her in the stomach when suddenly the witch blocked his swords hardly. The momentum made Aaron fell to the ground and he jerked away from the witch's sword as the she tried to stab him this time. Her sword went through the ice floor and she lost control. Aaron, with one swift movement, plunged the sword into the witch's flesh. She gasped for air as a trickle of blood slid down like a tear from the corner of her mouth. She lied down the floor unconscious.

Aaron stood proudly on the castle's balcony while lifting his sword to the crowd to savour the kingdom's victory. Every people of Aria's Kingdom assembled in front of the castle and cheered loudly as the evil force of the kingdom had vanished.
“Thank you Master, for saving our lives” said Garjla who stood next to him in the balcony. “Now that the witch is dead, we have finally regain peace. To gratitude and honour your courage, I want you to keep the Blue Stone” Garjla said while he handed him the glimmering stone.
Aaron shooked his head.” No. you are the guardian of the stone remember, and you have guarded the stone for hundreds of years without any harm caused to it. It belongs to you”
Garjla smiled. Aaron noticed the tears that was starting to develop inside of Garjla's dark eyes.
“Long live Master Aaron! Long live Master Aaron!” shouted the people.

"Aaronnn!" a woman shouted. 
The deafening voice woke him up and jolted him back to reality. In front of him stood his furious mother. He was not fully awake and his eyes lingered around the room. Then his eyes were fixed to his mother. 
"Mom, you want to know something? I just killed a villain mom! An evil witch! I am a hero! Aren't you proud of me?" he asked in excitement.
"I would be very proud of you if you get up now and go to your football practice young man!" she shouted angrily.

*Another story i wrote for practice.

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