daily monologue

Hello everyone! How are ya doing?

So tomorrow is the day us, 97's have been waiting for! After 2 weeks of torture & sleep deprivation & eating disorders, we are going to have our very last paper tomorrow! Yaaaaaaaaaaaas!!!!! And tomorrow, exam starts after recess so i can just cram everything in the morning and that means i can blog all night and to the shiz i want!

So overall trial has been pretty torturing to me. But I am really confident for English, Bahasa Melayu, Sejarah, Seni & Pendidikan Islam. Science subjects, not so much. First i thought i was probably gonna score biology, because i was pretty confident, until i screwed up my paper 2. Tomorrow is our Biology paper 3 exam so i hope that'll help with my Biology mark. 

It is September already, just to remind how fast time goes by. I sometimes wish that time could slow down a bit, just so that i could cherish every living moment. Because the next thing you know, you are in already in college. We are going to have our one week of mid-term break. And after that school goes on until November and thats the end of the year for school kids. But for us seniors, that 4 months until SPM is our last bit of months as a primary school student. Can you believe that? School is ending real soon. I just can't digest the fact that one day i'm not gonna have to go to school anymore and wear my blue pengawas uniform. Everytime i think about it, it makes me tear up. Like back then, i just can't wait for school to end, but now i wish i could just stay like this. But then again there a part in me that is looking forward for school to be over. Not that i hate the idea of "school", honestly, i have never hated school, it is just that, you know, after all this years spent in the classroom, i am curious of what the real world is really like, and to explore, and get to know people, go to college and work, and just grow up. I mean all good thing has to come to an end, right? It is really sad that school is ending sooner that i thought it would but then i just can wait to go out and face the real deal thing we called world. And i can travel anywhere i want without having to worry about skipping school anymore, no more homeworks, but i'll surely miss the fun times i have spent and the laughters  i have shared throughout my sekolah menengah times. I will definitely miss everything. As much as i loathed doing homeworks or having to wake up early, and exams, i'll surely miss being a student one day. And now, all i need to do is to cherish every moment i am living. The idea is bitter-sweet.

Anyways, there is  alot of things to look forward in the next few months! Next week, we'll have my brother's wedding reception in Putrajaya! Then we're going to have our graduation ceremony. Rumor has it that it's going to be a quite fancy dinner! Indeed superbly exciting isn't it? Yup there's a definitely a lot of things awaits us the next few months, so i am really hyped about it! 

So that's all for now, i'm gonna chill and probably snooze in a bit. Cheerios!

p/s: Currently reading Divergent!!

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