
Showing posts from September, 2014

Short story

Write an essay beginning with " The weather had been very hot lately..." The weather had been very hot lately. Aaron, with a heavy duffel bag on his left shoulder, walked home from the stadium after his daily football practice. H e could feel the light tickle of  sweat cascaded  down his spine.  He walked down the quiet road that lead to his part of the neighborhood. The atmosphere was serene and tranquil. As he walked and walked, he passed a property that is secluded among tall pine trees. There was a large metal gate and inside the gate stood a great mansion. It aroused his curiosity. Without hesitation, he push the creaky metal gate that bordered the property and walked slowly to the door.  The mansion looked much bigger nearer. It was tall and the walls are covered with green slimes, tall weeds and scrubs. He walked around the property when suddenly, a shiny glimmer drew his attention away. His eyes lingered wildly as he look for the source of the glimmer. Then h


You know what i really really reaaaaalllly wanna do right now? I wanna travel. Goodness i miss travelling so much. I miss going to the airport and watch as people rush to catch their flights and the morning air that smells like coffee. Sleeping in flights and eat those typical airplane food, croissant and butter, orange juice, scrambled eggs and frankfurters, or fruit salad. And to feel the excitement when you're about to land to your destination. I also miss waking up in a foreign country, and those morning walk around the block. The weather, cold and breezy, the view and everything. And swimming in a pool of people in the streets as you observe the surrounding. I miss visiting to historical places and tall skyscrapers. I just miss traveling.

daily monologue

Hello everyone! How are ya doing? So tomorrow is the day us, 97's have been waiting for! After 2 weeks of torture & sleep deprivation & eating disorders, we are going to have our very last paper tomorrow! Yaaaaaaaaaaaas!!!!! And tomorrow, exam starts after recess so i can just cram everything in the morning and that means i can blog all night and to the shiz i want! So overall trial has been pretty torturing to me. But I am really confident for English, Bahasa Melayu, Sejarah, Seni & Pendidikan Islam. Science subjects, not so much. First i thought i was probably gonna score biology, because i was pretty confident, until i screwed up my paper 2. Tomorrow is our Biology paper 3 exam so i hope that'll help with my Biology mark.  It is September already, just to remind how fast time goes by. I sometimes wish that time could slow down a bit, just so that i could cherish every living moment. Because the next thing you know, you are in already in college. W