So long, 2013!

Assalamualaikum! How's your holiday?

I cannot believe the fact that there's exactly 11 days more till school starts! Time flies way too fast these days, and i cannot believe that it's going to be 2014 in 10 days time!

2013 was such a roller-coaster ride kind of year for me, it is filled with laughter, and tears, both sad & happy tears.

A lot of wonderful things happened this year. My sister's marriage and all. It was so much fun! And not to mention my nephew/niece is on the way! Its definitely one of the best memories of 2013. My brother & my older sister also got engaged this year hihi! This family kept on growing and growing! And a lot of wonderful things happened in my school life too. 

The death of my brother & my cousin are the saddest thing that happened in the year of 2013. I still cannot believe that it's been 6 months since they passed away. It all happened so quickly, no signs, no warning, just like that. But the death of both of them has taught me a lot. This might sound cliche but they taught me to be strong, inside and out. Really. I always thought that if i would ever lose someone i love so much, someone that means the world to me, my family, i would've gone lunatic, but Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear". Maybe it's the only way to get me close to my religion, close to Him. The death of my dear brother & cousin also has changed me as a person. I am now trying my best to be a better Muslimah.

It's okay, my time will come, because all of us will face death, eventually, for death is certain, and this dunya we live in, is not permanent, We will soon meet again one day, inshaAllah in his Jannah :) Al fatihah to Almarhum Iqmal Ameerul Hakim Bin Abdul Azis & Almarhum Izzat Bin Ahmad. You may not be around anymore but both of you will forever be in my heart & i will forever cherish all the memories we shared. I love you both so much. May Allah grant them peace and give them blessings. May Allah make them among the inhabitants of Jannah and may Allah spare them from the punishments of Jahanam and the grave, amin ya rabbal alamin 

"Leave the sorrows, pain, and sadness behind and lets welcome the brand New Year with a smile" 

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