
Showing posts from June, 2013

so soon

It has been a week without you here abang. I wonder if he knows how much that i miss him. But it's okay, knowing the fact that Allah loves you more is enough. It happened so fast. 7.30pm, Sunday, on father's day. 2 days before they both passed away, i swear they look so normal. Friday, 2 days before the accident happened, we went out, whole family along with izzat to the gardens because my dad said he wanted to do some shopping for him and for abang, imraan my bro and izzat. We had a great time. After that, my father said he wanted to go to somewhere else so me, my mum, along, imraan, abang and izzat had our dinner at this shitty restaurant. Seriously don't be fooled with "posh-looking" restaurant. Abang ordered chicken leg something. It looks so tempting but reality i tasted like "lemak cili api" -.- We laughed our arse off hahaha. We really did had a good time. The next day we went to my bro in law's house, sebab ada tahlil because ramadhan is


Assalamualaikum! How are you guys doing? So for today's update, i'd like to write about miswak. Basically, miswak is an arabic word which means tooth-cleaning stick. It is commonly made out of mustard tree. It has been used by the ancient arab and of course, our beloved prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him). Prophet Muhammad was very keen on using them himself and encouraged his companions to do the same. "Were it not for overburdening my Ummah, I would command them to use Siwak (miswak) at every prayer." Miswak makes an excellent toothbrush as it promotes good oral health. Let me list out the benefits for you. 1. Miswaak strengthens the gums and prevents tooth decay. 2. Miswaak assists in eliminating toothaches and prevents further increase of decay which has already set in. 3. Miswaak creates a fragrance in the mouth. 4. Miswaak is a cure for illness. 5. Miswaak eliminates bad odors and improves the sense of taste. 6. Miswaak sharpens the memory. 7. M


Assalamualaikum! Whats up? Hows life hows school hows everything? I misssssssseeeeeeeeeed you dear bloggie Well, mine's great! :D We, students, are currently in a 2 weeks holiday which will end soon. Today's wednesday, meaning there is 4 more days to cherish this holiday. Well, this 2 weeks holiday has been, mehh, nothing much. My parents, sisters and bros are a bit busy so we can't go out that much which means every day consist of staying up all night, watching movies, sims 3, doodles, painting, baking and all those indoor stuffs. I'm not looking forward to school, well basically the only thing that im not looking forward is waking up early in the morning and midterm exam results. Man i don't know, i failed my math test and the rest is still unknown. May has been a tough month for me. 3 weeks of exam is waaaay to long. And every subjects consist of 3 papers. So that means we have 21 papers all together. Gaaaaah its really hard. Back in the days, we on