cny holiday

Assalamualaikum and hi! It's been a while, so howdi doo? :D

Oh and Happy Chinese New Year! I mean the best thing about CNY is the orange! and ang pao (eventhough dapat satu je) anddddddddddddddddd holiday! Muahahahah. Tapi don't know why, cuti from monday till wednesday je. Supposedly one week kan? Entah la. Yang penting cuti :3

So on saturday, which is yesterday, we went to raub for a family camping. Seriously, the place was superb, and very private. Lepastu tempat dia memang no wifi no line no hapa la, memang one on one with nature gila. Then time malam we bbq-ed and all. Then the next day (today), kitorang lepak lepak lagi and sungai-mungai sikit and lepas zuhur we went home. :) I wish we could stay longer tapi takpelah, boleh datang lagi.

Three more days to cherish the hoiday then back to school...... Esok we planned to go to masjid india, nak cari kurta le boys for sissy's wedding.

Btw, 10 of my classmates moved to MRSM la SBP la, Teknik and all those shitz and now there's only 27 people left. Sepatutnya 37, hmm :( Takpelah, i wish you guys the best of luck, i mean you guys deserve it. Korang dah usaha so this is the result :) To those yang dah usaha tapi still tak dapat, its okay. Maybe rezeki korang bukan dekat sini kan? Mana tahu time college nanti ke. Who knows ;)

And I missed arsenal vs sunderland match last night i mean obviously i was in raub. The result was 1-0. Haihh i don't know what say. I mean i'm happy that we won. BUT WE USED TO WIN BIG :( Kalau dulu 5, 3, or 4 or atleast 2, but now gahhhh. But i'm happy with how Ramsey's doing now. I mean he used to get hate comments like a lot, A LOT. But now, he getting a lot of compliments instead :D I'm so happy! And i'm soooooo happy that we signed Nacho Monreal! That guy is class! But apparently he's not going to play against Bayern Munich, and Jack too, which kinda freaks me out. But i'm hoping that we could win, please please please!

Okay then i think thats it. Laterrrr!! :D

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