Happy Birthday Ila ❤

Hi there and Goodnight.

So, harini aku nak post pasal birthday seseorang. Which is Ila! Or Farah Nabilah Bt Jamil :) 
Happy Birthday Markie!
Awww, you're turning 14 now. Tak sangka kita dah membesar ek? I just wanted to tell you thatloveee you so much! You are my BFF. Kita dah kenal for about 2 years now. Dulu kita sama kelas, duduk sebelah sebelah, berbual sama sama. Kita berbual pasal bola, pasal game, itu ini. Aku ingat lagi time first aku kenal kau. Lepastu form 2 pulak kita lain class but kita still rapat kan! Hahahaha. Kita selalu cerita pasal Westlife sama sama, Mark, semua sama sama. Seriously, sedih sangat dah tak dapat sekelas dengan kau lagi next year. Do your best in PMR ok? I'll always pray for you. I LOVE YOU :) May Allah bless you

P/S: Insyaallah on my birthday or next year, aku kasi present ok? Promise :)


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