Day 5 6 7

Hi zer! Harini i nak sambung my Westlife's challenge :D Semalam actually dah nak post dah, lepastu tak tahu tertekan apa semua hilang -.-' The heck ah kan, terus hilang mood. So harini i nak sambung semula, weeeeee!

Day 5: How you get into them? Why you like them / love them so much?

Okay, lemme start. So time kecik dulu aku ada ingat, aku pernah dengar lagu I have a dream. Tapi time kecik dulu macam tak tahu apa sangat so yada yada. Then time aku darjah 4 baru aku start minat diorang. Aku tak tahu kenapa aku asyik nyanyi lagu I lay my love on you. Aku actually time tu tak tahu pun siapa nyanyi, then aku search la. Dah search, keluar Westlife. So since daripada tu aku makin minat diorang and since daripada tu lah aku jatuh cinta dengan Nicky :3 . Ingat lagi dulu aku ada album diorang yang Unbreakable Vol 1 yang ada MV sekali. Time tu aku darjah lima kot. Selalu pasang cd diorang. Lepastu ada kereta KIA ni, kan ada tv sekali. So kalau pasang cd boleh tengok MV sekali. Dulu aku dengan abang aku selalu round round naik kereta sebab nak dengar lagu diorang punya pasai :) Tapi sekarang CD tu dah hilang! FISH! But its okay sebab aku ada cd diorang yang lain. Aku selalu pasang CD tu dekat radio lepastu berangan lah dekat bilik. Kadang kadang biar je lagu tu on then pergi mandi :) And aku ingat lagi, dulu mp3 aku penuhhhhhhhhh lagu diorang. Sekarang pun sama je, hihihi. So tu lah dia macam mana aku minat diorang :D

Day 6: Favorite quote from any member.

"I wouldn't mind looking like Brad Pitt!" - Nicky

"It's about a guy that's been fooled again and he can't believe that he's the fool again cos he was the fool before and now he's the fool again... "
- Mark talking about - you guessed it! - Fool Again 

"I used to have a toy cat called Kitty. It wasn't a pink cat but it wasn't a black cat either if you know what i mean. It was something a girl would definitely have had. I'd hide him under the bed when my friends came round." -Shane

"I just want a girlfriend, full stop. I'm 19 years of age. I'm red blooded - I need some, you know!" -Kian 

Day 7: Write a letter to them.

Dear Westlife, i just want to say that i love you guys so much!. Eventhough that Westlife will split, but this love is "Unbreakable" :) You guys made my day. With you we learned that friendship is forever. You are the one who made us "flying without wings". Thank you for everything, the songs, the tour, especially the tour! I cried the whole time cause i can't believe that you guys are infront of me!.You guys are AWESOME.  I wish you all the best and i'll always pray for your sucess :')

Nurul Nadhirah 

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