Telah ter-tag

1. Do u think u're HOT?
Tak elok perasan perasann ni xD

2. Ur current wallpaper
Kaka :)

3. tell about the wallpaper
Nama dia wallpaper and gmbr Kaka :P

4. the last tyme u ate pizza

Bulan lepas tk silapp

5. last song u listened to
Grenade , kat Blog >Sarah<

6. besides completing this taggin' thing, i am....
Eatinggg :)

7. nicknames
Nadh , Didie ,

8. tag 5 people
Sarah Fatimah
Nurul Aimi

9. the person on no. 1 is...
Si budak yg kakinya panjang and SLIM gila , tapi comell xP

10. say something to the person on number 5....
Kakak akuu , tp yg peliknyaa aku pggil dia Adikk :O

11. no.3 is in a relationship with...
Kitorg ni cousin (belah mak) tp dia in memories la , pernah couple ngan cousin belah ayah aku , HAHAHAHA xD

12. what about no. 2
Kitorang sekolah samaaa till now :)

13. love words to no.4
HAHAHAH , ke-ladies-an kau menyerlahh , membuatkan dia menyayangi kau lebih :D

14. 4 facts about the people u tagged.
1 . Human
2. Sekepala
3. Rapat
4, Ada muka xP
5. Poyoo , HAHHAHHAA xD

Di tag oleh Sayrah
Muchos Graciasss :D

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