
Happy Birthday To me , happy bday to me , happy bday happy bday happy bday to me :) YAAY !!

HAHAHHA , bangga gila birthdayy xP . Iyelah , sekali setahun enn , masa nilah pun nk dapat hadiahh . Bykk jugak ! Tapi masa masih muda muda dulu lagi banyak . Skrg muda lagii pe , cume kat umur dah ada perkataan Teen , iyelah , Thirteen kan ? Grrr ! Tapi yang bestnyaa , aku 13 tp Form 2 , HHAHAH xD !

YAAY ! Aku dah dpt Silly Bandz aku ! Berjanggut aku tunggu ! Tapi rupanya janggut aku membuahkan hasil xP . Mempersembahkann ~ Tadaaa !

Captured by Nurul Nadhirah

YEAH ! Amacam , stylee kan ? HIHIHII ! Tadi terlompat lompat macamm bear kejar mangsa . HAHAHHA ! Suka gila . Lagi satu yang aku suka dia puya packaging ada tulis benda benda comel :D . Dia tulis

To let your animallive a long life, please note the following

1. Don;t overwork us. We can get tired if we worked too much.
2. Please do not pull us too hard. We don't wanna die!
3. We can survive even at -40'F
4. We can withstand 374'F
5. If we become tangled , gently pull us a couples times and we will return to our normal shape.
6. Don't eat us ! We are you friends !
(we are non-toxic, but if you eat us, see a doctor immediately)

HAHAHA , paling comel numb 5 <3

Mak kata lepas maghrib nak makan kat Red Wok ! Bdayy saya lah :P . YAY ! Mmg dah lama tk makan situ , dpt gak ! :)

Adioss ;)

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