
Showing posts from November, 2013


Assalamualaikum! Right, im really really reaaaaaaaally bored right now. So i thought of updating my blog and why not i just blog about my wishlist eventhough my birthday is on December but.... bear with me here Okay, so first thing that i really realllly want for my birthday is a new running shoes! and that is Nike Freerun! Wei seriously super duper gorgeous alright. and i needed a new running shoes anyway sebab the one i have now is a bit small for me. Serious blisters everywhere kot kalau pakai yang tu. I thought of selling it away sebab condition dia still good, and nampak pun cantik lagi. So sayang la kan kalau abandon camtu je. We'll see how but first, look at this beautiful thing *sigh* lawa gila takleh tahan okay. Both are actually cantik but i still prefer black. Right, the second thing that is on my wishlist is!!! What else.... Arsenal away 2013/14!!!!!!!!!!!! I bought the long sleeve one already with my own money but it doesn't have the name at the

Jakarta & Bandung trip

Assalamualaikum!  How is your school holiday so far? Right, since i've no idea on what to post, id say how bout i tell you a lil sumthin So we flew to Jakarta on Thursday. We usually would go there with AirAsia but we took Garuda Airlines this time. I had to say i prefer Garuda even more because the food is pretty awesome, the FA's are all nice and its comfy compared to AirAsia where the only choice of food is Maggi and their FA's are so kerek and grumpy. We took a morning plane so we arrived there early, 10 am if im not mistaken. Then we went straight to Tebet to get my sister's wedding card which is super duper cute! :D After that we went straight to our apartment. We stayed at Medditeranean apartment, near to Anggrek Mall. The view from our apartment is, wallah! I only took one photo so... yep.  Then after we settled down, we went to the mall to kill our time. Then at night we took a cab to Roti Bakar Eddy! RotBakEd for short, that's what they call. O