
Showing posts from October, 2019

First world problems

This week was a terribly exhausting week for me. From kitchen productions to entrepreneurship, gym session, car problems, and staying in the kitchen, i am daaaamn glad it's weekend already! I whined enough about how unlucky i am this week, and i'm gonna do it again here, HEHE. So on Wednesday, our class ended early. I was soo looking forward to go back and chill at Kinokuniya, but just my luck. I lost my car key. I didn't technically lose it, but it required a long terrible walk from the car park area to the Commercial Block area. Found my key, one problem solved. Walked back to my car, and great, it's DEAD! So Kaylen drove me around campus to look for a jumpstart, but to no avail. I called Edward and thank god, Shareen has one. So i waited for an hour or so for them to come back to campus to help. Douglas came with his car and a jumpstart. And that's when it all begin. Jumpstart, cannot. So we had to call a battery guy to come and change the battery.