
Showing posts from October, 2012
HI AND ASSALAMUALAIKUM ! So how are you? Me? I'm fine! Supeeeeeeer fine! Hihihihi. So tell me tell you, i had the greatest week ever. Me and my friends had fun cooking at school on monday. Ada macam gotong royong masak masak sama sama. Our gulai kawah, sup and nasi turned out reaaaallly good. Hahaha i'm so proud of everybody. So on Tuesday pula, which is today, I met Dr Sheikh Muszapharrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! I KNOWWWWW!!!! Seriously i am sooooooooo out of the world right now. I even got his signatureeeee!!!! And dia hensem gila tadi hihihi! Aaaaaaaaa! I've been waiting for this moment to come and alhamdulillah dapat jugak jumpa dia. You won't understand how i feel. I wanted to meet him like since forever! He has been always been my idol and to see him with my own freakin eyes was, dang mannnn, it was superb! He has always been my idol. When i was in standard 4, i had a huggeeee crush on him. Aku ambil gambar yang aku jumpa dekat surat khabar and then tampal d

It is over

I AM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!! Maafkan saya kerana over di situ. Eleh ye yeeeee tahu lepas ni ada SPM apabenda semua, tapi tak salah kan nak happy kejap?  So yes, obviously, PMR is over! Susah gila nak terangkan betapa happynya aku sekarang! Alhamdullilah everything went well today. Alhamdulillah soalan Maths tak berapa nak susah sangat, but KH was..... i don't wanna talk about it. Kalau aku dapat C KH, seriously aku tak terkejut. Sebab tadi time jawab exam tak tahu kenapa aku ngantuk gila, so conclusionya, aku banyak hentam... Argh biarlah aku malas nak fikir benda alah tu semua. Yang penting PMR IS OVERRRRR!!!! :D Congratulations tu us 97's! High five!


*cuteness overload, ohhhh Aaron i ken dai seriously* Okay, sila abaikan kecomelan di atas. So Assalamualaikum and hello !  How's your PMR so far? I know right, tough week. Tapi chill ah, 6 down,  2 more to go! BARGHHHHHH TAK SABAR NAK RASA KE-FREEDOM-AN  YANG SELAMA NI MILIK AKU . Banyak gila dah plannnnnnn! Seriously  sekarang ni aku memang tak fikir pasal result, just malas nak fikir. Tunggu je lah december ni ekkk.  So BM, BI, GEO & PI, Science was cool, but Sejarah was... emmmm... you know.  Aku sebenarnya nak meninggal je rasa time nak start periksa tu, tapi alhamdulillah  ada lah jugak soalan yang aku buat dekat Unicliq keluar. Rasa macam nak  menangis kegembiraan teresak esak pun ada. Tapi bila dah masuk bab form 3,  which, aku langsung tak sentuh, terus blur. Haaaaaaaaahhhh Ya Allah,  atleast kalau dapat B tu alhamdulillah gila!!!!!! But overall, okay laaa *gaya tangan fifty fifty*.  So, i just wanna sa