
Showing posts from June, 2012

Dear Mum,

Assalamualaikum! Been a long time eh? Hihihi. So, i'm going to dedicate this post to my SUPERB MUM!  I'm updating this especially for her! I HOPE IT'S NOT TO LATE TO SAYYYY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Ya know vat? Aku first kot wish my mummy :D So,  Dear mak, I just wanna say thank you so much for everything :') Dah 15 tahun mak jaga didi, mak tak pernah pun mengeluh, sentiasa sabar dengan perangai didi yang teruk, teribble, everything lah -.-/. I wanna say sorry if i ever hurt your feelings, buat mak terasa, I hope i can a better daughter for you Ya allah, forgive her, bless her, and protect her. You are the most amazing, fantastic, awesome, bombastic, freakin cool, superb MUM! You are the most loving person ever and orang yang paling sabar. You are very strong , and i really admire that part of you and i wish i can be just like you :') Thank you so much for every single thing you did for me. I really wish i can pay that back, but it is just too impossible. I will