
to The One Who Listens ♡

بسم   الله   الرحمن   الرحيم اَلْحَمْدُ ِللهِ   رَبِّ   الْعَالَمِيْن   ،وَالصَّلاَةُ   وَالسَّلاَمُ   عَلَى   اَشْرَفِ   الْمُرْسَلِيْن   ،وَعَلَى   آلِهِ   وَاَصْحَابِهِ   اَجْمَعِيْن اللهُمَّ   صلِّ   على   سيِّدِنا   محمد   وعلى   آلِهِ   وَصَحْبِهِ   وَسَلِّمْ •───°•❀•°────• Ya Allah, Ya Razzaq, Ya Fattah, Thank You for all that you’ve given me. For my beloved family, friends, and everyone surrounding me.  Thank You for the neverending sustenance and rizq you have blessed us with, for a beautiful home, for food to eat & for our health. Thank You for all of our affairs that You have eased for us, the times You’ve protected us, for making us feel peace and love, and for giving us the opportunity to pray and prostrate to You, Our Lord.  You have given me so so much, and I would never not be grateful to you, O Allah. Ya rabbal Alamin, Forgive my father and my mother’s sins, big or small. Have mercy upon them. They’ve raised me well, and they have loved me, provided for me and they

emotional motion sickness

Ayah just gave me a business pep talk, kind of much needed rn to be honest. My business has been pretty stagnant lately, and sometimes i feel helpless not knowing how or what to do. There are days when it is at its peak, but there are days where we are not busy at all, we linger around not knowing what to do. And me as the business owner, I would feel bad because I have no idea what else can I do to generate more sales, to have more orders. I mean I own the business, I should somehow know how/ what can we do to be better, what can we push to get more orders, and what are the marketing strategies I need to take to move on past this? Right...? But frankly speaking, I don't know how and the feeling is soo.... overwhelming T.T Sometimes I don't even know if what I'm doing is even correct. Am I not pushing myself enough? Am I too comfortable in my current state? Am I not taking this business seriously? Because if I work hard enough, I should know how this whole thing works right

dear future, you can wait.

Yesterday before i went to bed, i was imagining my retiring days. Traveling all around the world, managing my million dollar business, maybe i'll have one store in Tokyo? I'll probably be reading self help books by the beach every 3 months too.  ---- Then the imaginary images of 35 year old me fizzled, when i realized it has only been 2 years since i started my business.  Why so soon? I find myself looking back and looking forward too much. It's funny cause all i ever wanted in highschool was to go to culinary school, and all i wanted during degree was to get my business started. Now that i am managing my own business, i am already thinking of retiring early? HAHA wth nadh? No, it's not because i hate my job, I LOVE IT TOO MUCH. I enjoy every second of it, but to be frank, life isn't always sunshine and rainbows. There are frustrating moments, i get tired and fail a whole lot. Maybe that's why we have a hard time appreciating the present. Because right at this m

Nanti bila sampai masa.

Tuhan, agama, syurga, pahala, Benda yang selama ini ayah dan mak ajar Aku turut tanpa memahami Walau kadang jauh tersasar Tapi sentiasa kembali Atas kehendaknya Atas kemahuannya. Wallah aku tak pernah rasa secukup ini, Cukup ada kasih sayang keluarga, kasih sayang adik beradik, kasih sayang mak ayah Kasih sayang kawan kawan Dan ultimately, Kasih sayang dari Dia. I find love in so many people and so many things, Love does not have to come in the form of a man, Or soulmate Or romantic attachment. Bagi aku cukup ada keluarga Cukup ada kawan Cukup ada Tuhan, Wallah, Cukup. Kalau dulu, aku selalu rasa aku dah ada timeline tetap untuk hidup aku. Belajar, lepastu universiti, kerja, kahwin, dapat anak, mati. Macam a pre-programmed timeline Benda tu yang aku so certain of. Tapi at 23, none of that matters anymore. Aku kahwin? Alhamdulillah Aku tak kahwin, Alhamdulillah Aku takda anak, Alhamdulillah I am genuinely fine with or without. Yang penting, yang pali

First world problems

This week was a terribly exhausting week for me. From kitchen productions to entrepreneurship, gym session, car problems, and staying in the kitchen, i am daaaamn glad it's weekend already! I whined enough about how unlucky i am this week, and i'm gonna do it again here, HEHE. So on Wednesday, our class ended early. I was soo looking forward to go back and chill at Kinokuniya, but just my luck. I lost my car key. I didn't technically lose it, but it required a long terrible walk from the car park area to the Commercial Block area. Found my key, one problem solved. Walked back to my car, and great, it's DEAD! So Kaylen drove me around campus to look for a jumpstart, but to no avail. I called Edward and thank god, Shareen has one. So i waited for an hour or so for them to come back to campus to help. Douglas came with his car and a jumpstart. And that's when it all begin. Jumpstart, cannot. So we had to call a battery guy to come and change the battery.

3 months, summarized. Sort of;

Remember when i said i'll write more when i am in Carcassonne? Yeah, been a while hasn't it? LOL Today marks the 13th day since i came back from France. Trust me, i wanted to write more when i was there, but being me, as much as i wanted to write, i wanted to go around explore the city i'll be spending my 3 months on, and yeah, i didn't have internet when i first got there, pft. Let me just sort of recap the whole 3 months in Carcassonne. Arriving there, i felt a teeny weeny scared. You know, being dropped off at an apartment miles away from home and family. We had to share the apartment together, and there were 5 of us. Syazrin and I stayed in one room & i took the second storey of the double decker. Our room was shared with another girl, named Sophie, whom i've come to FLIPPIN LOVE VERY MUCH. Edward and Rod stayed outside. The apartment was sufficient for all of us. The room was plain, so i made my little home there. I pasted pictures of people i love on

Here is my take on Friendship

Friendship It holds vast meanings. I read an article on how everyone has 3 types of friends, active, dormant, and commemorative.  Active is pretty self explanatory. It's the kind where you keep up with each other everyday, both of you know who your current crushes are, who's the most annoying person on earth currently, and you never fail to have your frequent if not daily reportage. To me, an active friendship also includes, in other words, as the millennials  like to call it, a low maintenance friendship. This kind is where you still keep up, but maybe not as frequent. You have your whatsapp group blowing up everytime with news and updates. You know what's up with them. But goals, time and dreams separates you all physically. I treasure this kind of friendship just as much, because you know these people will always be there when needed. And you will always try and make time for them despite of your not so in-sync schedule or your current life situation.  A dormant fri